Seniors: What Homewood Means To Me


Mr. LaCount asked his English 12 students to write a few words about what Homewood has meant to them.  Here are their responses….


To me Homewood means a place of learning and education.  Its also a safe place for those who struggle.


Homewood to me is like my home away from home.  Homewood is a huge part of who I am and is like a second family to me.


Homewood is a place where I can get my education without fear or worry of being left behind.  It is a place where I can unapologetically be myself.


Homewood means that everyone has potential.

Words to describe Homewood are…










I greatly enjoy attending Homewood/Bridges virtually, not only am I able to learn new things in my classes but also participate in some fun activities periodically. My favorite part of being an online student at Homewood is talking to and interacting with the staff and my friends. There are many people that I have come to like over the years. There are a lot of people that I’m going to really miss after I graduate and I plan to stay in touch with. Moving on to the next chapter of my life is bittersweet.