Ode To The Pandemic

April 13, 2021
My Ode to the Pandemic
A short poem
by Aiden Chadwick
Once, on Earth,
there was a boy.
This boy felt right at home,
being at home.
This feeling was astounding,
truly astounding.
Such a feeling was,
in fact, due to a disease.
This disease, known as a virus,
was called the Coronavirus.
Such a disease was to be deadly.
Deadly to the human race, of course.
It might’ve been known to be
very deadly to man.
So deadly, as to kill hundreds of thousands
of lives, but only old-aged lives.
These deaths are but painful to the world,
bringing sadness to the people.
It is such a terrible terror that said virus,
of a spherical shape, should take all these lives.