Legacy Poetry Project Final Reading At Busboys and Poets

Anne Reis, advisor

It has been a hard 2 years for students at Homewood.  The pandemic has not made it easy for anyone.  Luckily we have had Regie Cabico come to our school to lead a series of poetry workshops that have helped us process what has happened these last 2 years and also help us celebrate life.  The Legacy Poetry workshop group visited the new  Busboys and Poets in Columbia, Maryland for our final poetry workshop and reading.  Students who attended were Jay Adams, Maria Morales Charlesman, Tiffany Smith, and Jinia Smith.  We ate a festive lunch and then everyone had a chance to stand at the podium and read their work.  Tiffany Smith participated through FaceTime.  It was a fun and successful ending to a wonderful year of poetry at Homewood.