An Interview With Kacie Goldberg

Tiffany Smith, Writer

This month Homewood held SGA elections. Kacie Goldberg was elected President of the Bridges program and Dre Campbell was elected President of the Gateway program.  I decided to sit down and chat with Kacie to get to know her a bit better.  Here is our interview….

Kacie, what does Homewood mean to you? “Homewood enables me to be successful in what I want to do,  I went from failing grades to a 4.0 and attending ARL”.

What have been your best and worst experiences at Homewood? I haven’t really had any bad experiences at Homewood. Homewood has been an overall great experience for me.

How has Homewood helped you in a way that your home school didn’t? Homewood has much smaller classes which allows the teachers to help me more. At Homewood there are also a lot of different support systems and I feel like people really care about me.

As SGA President, what are some things you would like to see change at Homewood? I would like to see more friendliness between students as well as more understanding of people’s needs. I would also like to see more spirit days, they are something I really miss.

In general,  what does it mean to you to be a Homewood student? To me a Homewood student is just a student who needs a little extra support.  That’s why they come to Homewood. “I don’t believe in stereotypes. I think every student here is a great person.”

What do you do for fun? I like to hang out with my friends, play video games, and watch youtube.

Do you have a job? I don’t have a job but I have done volunteer work. Right now I am focusing on getting through school with good grades.

What are you planning to do when you leave Homewood? I plan on going to college and studying art. I plan on getting a career in animation.